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Ankle Sprain

Ortho On-Call Clinic
Time Estimate:
25 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
11 sec.
Introductory Summary
Pablo injured his ankle and is seeing a PA, Melinda, at the orthopedic on-call clinic.
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-US
Pt Patient es-MX
PA Physician Assistant en-US
Kelly Grzech
Nanyi Mateo
Devin Gilbert
Yohana Imperio
Audio Engineer
Omar Mendoza
Voice Actors
Mark Andros
Devin Gilbert
Physician Assistant
Delaney Johns
Full Summary
Pablo injured his ankle and is seeing a PA, Melinda, at the orthopedic on-call clinic. He’s waited a while to be seen for his injury, is in quite a bit of pain, and as a result tensions are high. Melinda explains her role as a physician assistant and Pablo explains how he injured himself. However, the way in which Pablo was injured may pose a challenge in terms of his treatment plan.
Main Challenges
It’s not uncommon for patients to experience delays in receiving medical treatment. This can result in patients becoming impatient or even upset at the medical team, potentially posing a challenge for the interpreter if exchanges become heated. Additionally, due to the nature of worker’s compensation laws in many states, some medical facilities are unable or unwilling to treat patients for workplace injuries. This makes understanding exactly where, when, and how a patient sustained an injury incredibly important in the proper routing of their medical care.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
--- doctor’s office consultorio --- ---
--- screw up chingarse joderse ---
--- hold your horses esperarse --- ---
--- take a look at examinar --- ---
--- physician assistant asociada médico --- ---
--- diagnose diagnosticar --- ---
--- develop a treatment plan desarrollar un plan de tratamiento --- ---
--- be in good hands estar en buenas manos --- ---
--- slip resbalar resbalarse ---
--- feel an ankle twist sentir que el tobillo se dobla sentir que el tobillo se tuerce ---
--- hobble cojear renguear ---
--- worker’s comp indemnización al trabajador --- ---
--- insurance carrier compañía de seguros --- ---
--- medical provider proveedor de atención médica --- ---
--- workplace injuries lesiones laborales --- ---
--- dumbass estúpido pendejo tonto
business partner partner socio --- ---
--- whatever lo que sea --- ---
--- charge a fuck-ton cobrar un putero --- ---
--- charge a lot of fucking money cobrar un chingo de dinero --- ---
--- bad-mannered maleducado --- ---
--- be fed up harto --- ---
--- without missing a beat sin dudar sin vacilar ---
--- impressed impresionada --- ---
--- work site la obra --- ---
--- curb borde --- ---
--- finisher finichero terminador ---
--- off the clock fuera de horario de trabajo --- ---
--- premises local --- ---
--- in the clear a salvo --- ---
--- tenderness of a joint sensibilidad dolorosa de una articulación --- ---
--- calf pantorrilla --- ---
--- did your ankle turn in or out? ¿Su tobillo se torció hacia dentro o hacia afuera? --- ---
--- popping sensation or sound sonido o sensación de chasquido --- ---
--- dislocate dislocarse --- ---
push through the pain stand the pain aguantar el dolor soportar el dolor ---
--- ice the area aplicar frío al área --- ---
--- limp cojear --- ---
not be able to bear a lot of weight not be able to support a lot of weight no poder cargar mucho peso --- ---
--- lean sideways inclinarse de lado --- ---
--- numbness entumecimiento --- ---
--- tingling hormigueo --- ---
cold compress ice pack cold compress --- ---
--- arnica oil aceite de árnica --- ---
--- fire botar despedir ---
--- ASAP tan pronto como sea posible --- ---
--- go easy on your leg no use mucho la pierna --- ---
--- game plan estrategia plan ---
--- sprain esguince --- ---
--- course of treatment tratamiento --- ---
--- medical assistant asistente médico --- ---
--- whatever you say como diga --- ---
--- bad manners malos modales --- ---
--- X-ray placa radiografía ---
--- minor fracture fractura menor --- ---
--- talus talo --- ---
--- ankle bone hueso del tobillo --- ---
--- shinbone canilla --- ---
--- hairline cracks grietas capilares grietas finas ---
--- not be able to see a damn thing no poder ver ni madres --- ---
--- get a hang of coger el truco --- ---
--- immobilize inmovilizar --- ---
--- temporary splint férula temporal tablilla temporal ---
--- crutches muletas --- ---
--- be worth a shot valer la pena --- ---
--- over-the-counter de venta libre sin receta ---
--- ibuprofen Ibuprofeno --- ---
--- prop your foot up on something apoyar el pie en algo --- ---
--- light exercises ejercicios ligeros --- ---
--- sitting around doing nothing pasar las horas muertas sin hacer nada --- ---
--- cast yeso --- ---
--- brace aparato ortopédico soporte ---
--- range-of-motion exercises ejercicios del rango de movimiento --- ---

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Supplementary Resources
Ankle Sprain (Mayo Clinic)
Sprains (MedlinePlus)
