Choose an option for the ethical dilemma in order to continue

Type 2 Diabetes

Hospital Room
Time Estimate:
28 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
11 sec.
Introductory Summary
Ms. Navarro was recently hospitalized after falling into a diabetic coma.
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-VE
Pt Patient es-MX
DE Certified Diabetes Care and Education Sp en-US
Kelly Grzech
Nanyi Mateo
Devin Gilbert
Yohana Imperio
Audio Engineer
Omar Mendoza
Voice Actors
Yohana Imperio
Certified Diabetes Care and Education Sp
Delaney Johns
Pamela Martínez Ruiz
Full Summary
Ms. Navarro was recently hospitalized after falling into a diabetic coma. She’s about to be discharged from the hospital and meets with Mackenzie, the diabetes care and education specialist to learn more about her diabetes, a condition Ms. Navarro admittedly knows little about. Mackenzie teaches her the ins and outs of living with diabetes, including managing her diet, checking her blood sugar, self-administering insulin injections, and exercising.
Main Challenges
When interpreting for diabetes education, patients are often presented with a lot of information that can include high-register medical terminology. This can of course pose a challenge if the provider does not adjust their register if a patient happens to have low health literacy, but it can also be a challenge when providers use metaphors to explain concepts, as these may contain unexpected vocabulary. Additionally, patient education materials are often provided, but these materials are not always available in the patient’s language.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
--- --- diabetes care and education specialist especialista en atención y educación para la diabetes ---
--- --- fall into a coma caer en coma ---
--- --- speak in plain English hablar en castellano ---
--- --- blood sugar glucosa en la sangre ---
--- --- fuel combustible ---
--- --- hormone hormona ---
--- --- padlock candado ---
--- --- insulin resistance resistencia a la insulina ---
--- --- bloodstream torrente sanguíneo ---
--- --- keep something in check mantener algo bajo control ---
--- --- strike a balance lograr un equilibrio ---
--- --- ratio proporción ---
--- --- starch almidón ---
--- --- carb carbohidrato ---
--- --- keep an eye on mantenerse pendiente ---
--- --- carb intake consumo de carbohidratos ---
--- --- serving size porción tamaño de la porción
--- --- non-starchy vegetables vegetales con poco almidón verduras con poco almidón
--- --- beet remolacha ---
--- --- eggplant berenjena ---
--- --- lean meat carne magra ---
--- --- starchy food alimento con almidón ---
--- --- uphill battle cuesta arriba ---
--- --- starve to death morirse de hambre ---
--- --- count carbs contar carbohidratos ---
--- --- Keto diet dieta Keto ---
--- --- right off the bat desde el principio ---
--- --- refined grains cereales refinados ---
--- --- whole grains cereales integrales ---
--- --- whole foods alimentos integrales ---
--- --- food label etiqueta de los alimentos ---
--- --- added sugar azúcar añadida ---
--- --- hit the nail on the head dar en el clavo ---
--- --- glucometer glucómetro ---
--- --- lancet lanceta ---
fussy particular picky quisquilloso ---
--- --- continuous glucose monitor monitor continuo de glucosa ---
--- --- alcohol pads almohadillas con alcohol ---
--- good old good ol’ la vieja confiable ---
--- --- nerve endings terminaciones nerviosas ---
--- --- test strip tira reactiva ---
--- --- reading lectura ---
--- --- apple sauce puré de manzana ---
--- --- come in handy ser muy útil ---
--- --- clumsy torpe ---
--- --- a nurse’s touch mano de enfermera ---
--- --- a piece of cake pan comido ---
--- --- sharps container contenedor para objetos cortopunzantes ---
--- --- alcohol wipe toallita con alcohol ---
--- --- protective tab lámina protectora ---
--- --- screw enroscar ---
--- --- dispose desechar ---
--- regular run-of-the-mill común y corriente ---
--- --- long-acting insulin insulina de acción prolongada ---
--- --- insulin cartridge cartucho de insulina ---
--- central AC central air aire acondicionado central ---
--- --- metformin metformina ---
--- --- diabetic log book cuaderno de registro para la diabetes ---
--- --- I’ll do my part pondré de mi parte ---
--- --- shed a few pounds bajar unas libras ---
--- --- laze around holgazanear pasarla de haragán
--- A.K.A. also known as en otras palabras también conocido como
--- --- prone to propenso ---
--- --- warning signs señales de advertencia ---
--- --- keep fluids down retener líquidos ---
--- --- God forbid Dios me libre ---

Click or tap ???? to reveal terms in other language. Click again to hide.

Supplementary Resources
Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (AADE Rebrands as Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists)
Sight Translation and Written Translation: Guidelines for Healthcare Interpreters (NCIHC)
