Choose an option for the ethical dilemma in order to continue

Palliative Care Family Conference

Large Hospital
Akron, Ohio, USA
Time Estimate:
24 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
8 sec.
Introductory Summary
Family conference with the Palliative Care Team to discuss end-of-life options. Their two-week old infant was born premature at twenty weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Pediatric Palliative Care Definition
Pediatric Palliative Care offers specialized medical care for children with serious illnesses, including genetic disorders, cancer, prematurity, neurological disorders, and heart and lung conditions. Care centers on relieving the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness and improving quality of life for both the child and the family. A specialized team provides support for emotional, psychological, practical, spiritual, educational, and developmental issues that may contribute to suffering or interfere with healing.
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-US
F Father es-DO
M Mother es-DO
Ch NICU Palliative Care Chaplain en-US es-MX
NP Nurse Practitioner en-US
PP Pediatric Palliative Care Physician en-US
SW Social Worker en-US
John P. Shaklee
Leticia A. Martínez
Devin Gilbert
Yohana Imperio
Audio Engineer
Omar Mendoza
Voice Actors
Arismendy Frica
Devin Gilbert
Nurse Practitioner
Delaney Johns
Social Worker
Skylar Lees
Pediatric Palliative Care Physician
Nathaniel Murphy
Mayelín Sabala Veras
NICU Palliative Care Chaplain
Giovanna Torres
Main Challenges
What with COVID restrictions, only two adults permitted in room. Other family members wait in the hallway. Masks muffle speech which intensifies interpreter’s need for concentration even more than usual.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
--- pediatric palliative care physician médico de cuidados paliativos pediátricos ---
--- nurse practitioner enfermera especializada ---
--- social worker asistente social ---
NICU neonatal intensive care unit unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales ---
--- chaplain capellana capellán
--- healthcare atención médica ---
ER emergency room sala de emergencias urgencias
--- think straight pensar con claridad ---
--- sedate sedar ---
--- alleviate aliviar ---
--- medication medicamento ---
--- swollen hinchado ---
--- providers equipo médico ---
--- liver hígado ---
--- tube tubo ---
--- ventriculomegaly ventriculomegalia ---
--- condition afección ---
--- ventricle ventrículo ---
--- excessive pressure presión excesiva ---
--- long-term a largo plazo prolongado
--- neurological damage daños neurológicos ---
--- brain cerebro ---
--- brain center centro cerebral ---
--- cerebrospinal fluid líquido cefalorraquídeo ---
--- cavity cavidad ---
--- chamber cámara ---
bodily fluid fluid líquido líquido corporal
--- nerve damage daños nerviosos ---
--- outlook perspectivas pronóstico
--- speech habla ---
--- motor activity actividad motora actividad motriz
--- crawl gatear ---
--- acute liver failure insuficiencia hepática aguda ---
--- discolored descolorido ---
--- urine orina ---
--- spontaneously espontáneamente ---
--- inherit heredar ---
--- pass away fallecer morir
--- stage of care etapa de atención ---
--- teleconference teleconferencia ---
--- update actualizar informar las novedades
--- keep updated mantenerse al tanto ---
--- fighter luchador ---
--- God bless you que Dios los bendiga ---
--- gas card tarjeta de gasolina ---
--- coupon cupón ---
--- don’t hesitate to call no duden en llamar ---
--- there’s no rush no hay ningún apuro ---

Click or tap ???? to reveal terms in other language. Click again to hide.

Supplementary Resources
Pediatric ventriculomegaly (Children's National)
End-of-Life Care for Neonates: Assessing and Addressing Pain and Distressing Symptoms (Frontiers)
Parent Involvement in End-of-Life Care and Decision Making in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit: An Integrative Review (PubMed Central)
Pediatric Palliative Care (Akron Children's Hospital)
Palliative care translation glossary (en-es) (ProZ)
Terminology Resources (International Medical Interpreters Association)
National Standards of Practice for Interpreters in Health Care (National Council on Interpreting in Health Care)
A National Code of Ethics for Interpreters in Healthcare (National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare)
Guide to Interpreter Positioning in Healthcare Settings (National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare)
