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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Doctor’s Office, with Patient Joining via Video Call
Time Estimate:
20 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
8 sec.
Introductory Summary
Mrs. Escalante Ruiz joins a virtual appointment with Dr. Colbert, a gastroenterologist. However, the interpreter is interpreting in person from the doctor’s office.
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-US
Pt Patient es-MX
Dr Doctor en-US
Kelly Grzech
Veronica Guemez
Devin Gilbert
Karen Marin
Audio Engineer
Carlos Rubio
Voice Actors
Devin Gilbert
Pamela Martínez Ruiz
Nathaniel Murphy
Main Challenges
As a result of accessibility issues presented by telehealth platforms for emergent-bilingual individuals, as well as people with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a guidance document on nondiscrimination in telehealth in July of 2022. Despite this guidance, issues with telehealth platforms persist, and many provide poor or incomplete translations of their user interface, if any at all. In addition, the ability to integrate remote interpretation services into virtual encounters can pose a challenge, resulting in the use of in-person interpreters. In these types of encounters, interpreters will not only be interpreting medical terminology, but may also be interpreting for basic tech support, which can pose an additional challenge if the patient has low technological literacy. These situations can also result in the provider attempting to make up for lost time.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
--- gastroenterologist gastroenterólogo --- ---
--- health portal portal de salud --- ---
--- date of birth fecha de nacimiento --- ---
--- cut to the chase ir al grano --- ---
--- colonoscopy colonoscopía --- ---
--- lining recubrimiento --- ---
--- rectum recto --- ---
bloodwork lab work análisis de sangre --- ---
IBS irritable bowel syndrome síndrome de intestino irritable --- ---
--- life-threatening fatal --- ---
--- disorder trastorno --- ---
--- surgery cirugía --- ---
--- diagnosis of exclusion diagnóstico por exclusión --- ---
--- rule out descartar --- ---
--- medical condition afección enfermedad padecimiento
--- nutrient deficiencies deficiencias nutricionales --- ---
--- disease enfermedad --- ---
--- thorough riguroso --- ---
--- ulcer úlcera --- ---
--- inflammatory bowel disease enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria --- ---
--- Crohn’s disease enfermedad de Crohn --- ---
--- ulcerative colitis colitis ulcerativa --- ---
IBS-D irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea síndrome de intestino irritable con diarrea --- ---
--- bloating distensión --- ---
--- cramping calambre --- ---
--- urgency incontinencia urgencia ---
--- dietician dietista --- ---
--- pill pastilla --- ---
--- natural remedies remedios naturales --- ---
--- medication medicamento --- ---
--- antispasmodic antiespasmódico --- ---
--- anti-diarrheal antidiarreico --- ---
--- vitamin vitamina --- ---
never hurt won’t hurt no hacerle daño no perder nada ---
--- nutritionist nutricionista --- ---
--- fiber supplement suplemento de fibra --- ---
--- powder polvo --- ---
--- label etiqueta --- ---
no prescription over the counter sin receta --- ---
--- patient portal portal para pacientes --- ---
--- probiotic probiótico --- ---
--- antibiotic antibiótico --- ---
--- gut intestinos tripas ---
--- technical difficulties dificultades técnicas --- ---
--- follow-up appointment cita de seguimiento --- ---
--- user usuario --- ---
--- policy reglamento --- ---
tech support technical support apoyo técnico --- ---
--- front office recepción --- ---
in-person appointment in-person visit cita en persona cita presencial ---

Click or tap ???? to reveal terms in other language. Click again to hide.

Supplementary Resources
Guidance on Nondiscrimination in Telehealth: Federal Protections to Ensure Accessibility to People with Disabilities and Limited English Proficient Person (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
