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Panic Attacks

Mental Health
Outpatient therapy clinic (video remote)
Time Estimate:
27 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
13 sec.
Introductory Summary
Ms. Figueroa is seeing Dr. Jennings, a psychologist, because she has what she describes as “episodes.”
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-MX
Pt Ms. Figueroa es-MX
Dr Dr. Jennings en-US
Kelly Grzech
Nanyi Mateo
Devin Gilbert
Yohana Imperio
Audio Engineer
Omar Mendoza
Voice Actors
Dr. Jennings
Skylar Lees
Ms. Figueroa
Pamela Martínez Ruiz
Giovanna Torres
Full Summary
Ms. Figueroa is seeing Dr. Jennings, a psychologist, because she has what she describes as “episodes.” Dr. Jennings seems to think she has anxiety and has experienced panic attacks. They both discuss the onset of her symptoms, what seems to cause the episodes, and why Ms. Figueroa is under so much stress. Dr. Jennings also administers an informal depression screening.
Main Challenges
Mental health interpretation can be difficult because of the qualitative nature of patients’ responses during encounters, as opposed to the quantitative responses medical doctors often seek out. This poses a number of challenges in terms of the length and complexity of utterances, as well as the wide range of potential subjects (and vocabulary) that may come up. Familiarity with words used to describe feelings is a must. In some cases, patients receiving mental health care may be hypersensitive to the demeanor and actions of others, so it is important to conduct yourself in an empathetic manner while maintaining the boundaries of the interpreter role.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
--- anxiety ansiedad ---
--- coping strategy estrategia para sobrellevar un problema ---
--- don’t wash your dirty linen in public la ropa sucia se lava en casa ---
--- speak up alzar la voz hablar
--- mental health salud mental ---
--- courage valentía ---
--- let the record show que conste en el acta ---
--- feel down sentirse desanimado ---
--- rare poco común ---
--- concentrate on concentrarse ---
--- depressed deprimido ---
--- helpless desamparado ---
--- hopeless sin esperanzas ---
--- discouraged desanimado sin ánimo
--- fall asleep dormirse quedarse dormido
--- stay asleep permanecer dormido ---
--- manage to do something lograr hacer algo ---
--- feel bad about yourself sentirse mal consigo mismo ---
--- failure fracaso ---
--- let someone down decepcionar a alguien ---
--- provide for someone mantener a alguien ---
--- skip over saltar ---
--- overeat comer en exceso ---
--- two birds, one stone matar dos pájaros de un tiro ---
fidgety restless inquieto nervioso
--- sit still quedarse quieto ---
--- exhausted agotado exhausto
--- psychiatrist psiquiatra ---
--- psychologist psicólogo ---
--- therapy terapia ---
--- psychiatric medication medicamento psiquiátrico ---
episode episodio
--- out of nowhere de la nada ---
--- pound latir con fuerza ---
--- hold up parar retrasar
shake tremble temblar ---
--- get to the bottom of something averiguar cuál es la raíz del problema llegar al fondo de algo
--- shallow superficial ---
--- slight leve ---
--- race acelerarse ---
--- heavy pesado ---
--- tight apretado ---
--- frightening aterrador ---
--- panic attach ataque de pánico crisis de pánico
--- sneak up agarrar dar
--- distressing angustiante ---
--- not make it through no sobrevivir ---
--- cross that bridge when we get to it ocuparnos de eso cuando sea el momento ---
--- pattern patrón ---
--- at random al azar ---
--- overdue bill factura atrasada ---
--- stuck atrapado ---
--- loan préstamo ---
make matters worse top it all off para colmo para rematar
--- manage your stress controlar el estrés ---
--- take deep breaths respirar profundo ---
--- bury your head in the sand tapar el sol con un dedo ---
--- mindfulness techniques técnicas de atención plena ---

Click or tap ???? to reveal terms in other language. Click again to hide.

Supplementary Resources
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) Screeners, PHQ-SADS (Pfizer)
The PHQ-9 (American Psychological Association)
National Standards of Practice for Interpreters in Health Care (National Council on Interpreting in Health Care)
A National Code of Ethics for Interpreters in Healthcare (National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare)
