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Change of Plea Hearing

Municipal Court
Ohio, USA
Time Estimate:
30 min.
Avg. Length per Line:
9 sec.
Introductory Summary
It’s time for a defendant to change his original plea to another in open court.
This text is an original work of fiction based on real scenarios. Any similarities between people or places are purely coincidental.
Abbr. Role Language(s)
Int Interpreter en-US es-US
D Defendant es-MX
V Victim es-GT quc-GT
CN Court Navigator en-US
M Magistrate en-US
P Prosecutor en-US
PD Public Defender en-US
VA Victim Advocate en-US es-MX
John P. Shaklee
Leticia A. Martínez
Devin Gilbert
Yohana Imperio
Audio Engineer
Omar Mendoza
Voice Actors
Yohana Imperio
Public Defender
Delaney Johns
Skylar Lees
Pamela Martínez Ruiz
Court Navigator
Nathaniel Murphy
Nefi Pérez
Mayelín Sabala Veras
Victim Advocate
Mayelín Sabala Veras
Full Summary
It’s time for a defendant to change his original plea to another in open court. Initially the interpreter, public defender and defendant meet in the hallway to discuss the plea offer from the prosecutor, possible maximum penalties, and rights to be waived by entering a plea.
Key Terminology and Vocabulary
English español
public defender defensor de oficio defensor público
change of plea cambio de alegato ---
charge cargo ---
maximum possible penalty pena máxima aplicable ---
misdemeanor delito menor ---
probation libertad condicional ---
guilty culpable ---
not guilty inocente no culpable
no contest no oponerse no oponerse a los cargos
civil case caso civil ---
criminal case caso penal ---
trial by jury juicio por jurado ---
trial by judge juicio por juez ---
appoint asignar nombrar
compel witnesses obligar a los testigos ---
beyond a reasonable doubt más allá de duda razonable ---
cross-examine contrainterrogar ---
remain silent guardar silencio permanecer en silencio
magistrate juez inferior ---
find guilty declarar culpable ---
advise aconsejar ---
immigration status situación migratoria ---
conviction condena ---
denial of naturalization denegación de ciudadanía ---
consult consultar ---
answer out loud responder en voz alta ---
terms disposiciones ---
defendant acusado ---
courtroom sala ---
accurately con exactitud de manera exacta
completely completamente ---
impartially imparcialmente ---
skill and judgment destreza y juicio ---
prescribe prescribir ---
official guidelines pautas oficiales ---
solemn duties deberes solemnes ---
pre-trial previa al juicio ---
domestic violence violencia en el hogar ---
assault agresión ---
notice aviso notificación judicial
afford tener los medios ---
subpoena power facultad citatoria ---
Court Navigator Navegador de la Corte ---
anger management manejo de la ira ---
scene: at the lugar de los hechos ---
fist darle un puñetazo puño
handcuff esposar ---
jail time tiempo en la cárcel ---
continuance aplazamiento ---
just cause motivo fundado ---
charge acusar ---

Click or tap ???? to reveal terms in other language. Click again to hide.

Supplementary Resources
Definition Change of Plea (FindLaw)
Court Navigator (Justice Innovation | Stanford Legal Design Lab)
Assault (MAHER, Law Firm, LLC)
Probation ( Joslyn Law Firm | Dedicated to Protect your Rights)
Penalties for Domestic Violence in Ohio ( Joslyn Law Firm | Dedicated to Protect your Rights)
The Supreme Court of Ohio Language Services in Case or Court Function and Ancillary Court Services
Fundamentals of Court Interpretation: Theory, Policy and Practice (Carolina Academic Press)
Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities (NAJIT)
Spanish/English Legal Glossary (Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento)
LISTEN interpreter equipment (Listen Technologies)
The Interpreter’s Companion, Fifth Edition
